If you’ve ever attempted to raise money for a cause or have been approached by someone who was trying to do so, then you know how important it is to be organized and clear about the mission. It is important… Read More
4 Fundraising Safety Tips
A fundraiser can be a great way for a child to learn all sorts of valuable lessons outside of the classroom. By participating in a fundraiser, children can learn about things like finance, the importance of teamwork and why you… Read More
Fun Fundraising Ideas for Fall
Back to school season is here, which means the start of fall fundraising. Whether you are in the PTO at the elementary school your children attend or just looking for another way to help out your local school, here are… Read More
The Benefits Of Fundraising In Schools
There are several reasons why schools across the country regularly host fundraisers every year. Not only are they a great way to raise money for a good cause, but they also teach valuable lessons to students. One of which is… Read More